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Turbo Pumps

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionPump Spd N2Ultimate PressInlet FlangeBearing TypeExternal Coolng#PriceNotes Location
»CFM  l/s»mbar  torr»in  mm$
69502 Alcatel 5150CP 1 Plano, TX
69503 Alcatel 5150CP 1 F* Plano, TX
124914 Alcatel 5400400.07.50E-9ISO-K160.0GreaseWater Cooled 2 Scotia, New York
124915 Alcatel 5400400.07.50E-9ISO-K160.0GreaseWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
124904 Alcatel 5400CP400.07.50E-9ISO-K160.0GreaseWater Cooled 12 Scotia, New York
125065 Alcatel 5401CP400.07.50E-9ISO-K160.0GreaseWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
125347 Alcatel ATP 1500M1,500.02.00E-10ISO-K250.0Magntc LevitatnWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
1063 Alcatel TMP5402CP380.0ISO-K160.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
1064 Alcatel TMP5402CP325.07.50E-7ISO-K100.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
115217 Alcatel Mfr*5150CP 1 Hudson, NY
1068 Balzers TPH 22002,200.01.00E-10ISO-K250.0Water Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
140549 Balzers-Pfeiffe TMU 06556.07.50E9Conflat63.0Frcd Air Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
96409 Balzers-Pfeiffe TPH 05050.09.98E-11ISO-K63.0CeramicAir Cooled 1 2,250.60 Scotia, New York
233 Balzers-Pfeiffe TPH 180H180.07.50E-9ISO-K100.0CeramicAir OR Water 1 F* Scotia, New York
190439 Balzers-Pfeiffe TPH 240230.07.50E-10ISO-K100.0OtherAir OR Water 1 F* Scotia, New York
115526 Balzers-Pfeiffe TPU 06056.07.50E-9Conflat114.3OtherAir Cooled 3 Scotia, New York
96413 Balzers-Pfeiffe TPU 06256.07.50E-9Conflat114.3CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
103638 Ebara ET 2500 WS2,500.01.00E-5Magntc LevitatnWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
115219 Ebara Mfr*ET300WS-A 3 Hudson, NY
190969 Edwards nEXT300D300.00.75E-9ISO-K100.0OtherAir OR Water 1 Scotia, New York
226453 Leybold 400036V0002-001-10M Cable 3 3,250.87 F* Scotia, New York
131808 Leybold 400036V0006 Cable 5 1,650.44 Scotia, New York
209827 Leybold MAG W 1300 C1,100.07.50E-9ISO-F200.0Magntc LevitatnWater Cooled 1 F* Scotia, New York
249290 Leybold MAG W 1300 C1,220.07.50E-9ISO-F250.0Magntc LevitatnWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
191167 Leybold TURBOVAC 1000C1,150.01.00E-9ISO-K160.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
96018 Leybold TURBOVAC 1000C1,100.01.00E-9ISO-K200.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
124866 Leybold TURBOVAC 1000C1,150.09.98E-11ISO-K250.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
64225 Leybold TURBOVAC 1000C1,150.07.50E-10ISO-K200.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
4057 Leybold TURBOVAC 1000C1,150.01.00E-9ISO-K250.0CeramicWater Cooled 2 Scotia, New York
184564 Leybold TURBOVAC 151145.07.50E-11ISO-K100.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
64226 Leybold TURBOVAC 151C145.07.50E-10ISO-K100.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
127379 Leybold TURBOVAC 600620.09.98E-11ASA152.4CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
1071 Leybold TURBOVAC 600C620.01.00E11ASA152.4GreaseWater Cooled 3 Scotia, New York
140058 Osaka Vacuum TG 56CA44.07.50E-8Conflat63.0Magntc LevitatnFrcd Air Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
151290 Osaka Vacuum TG1100M1,100.01.00E-8Other200.0Magntc LevitatnFrcd Air Cooled 1 9,902.65 Scotia, NY
3246 Osaka Vacuum TG1113EM1,100.01.00E-9ISO-F200.0Magntc Levitatn 1 9,902.65 Scotia, NY
8835 Osaka Vacuum TG2003MCA2,000.07.50E-10Conflat250.0CeramicAir Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
164755 Osaka Vacuum TG2003MCA2,000.07.50E-10Conflat250.0CeramicAir Cooled 1 Scotia, NY
155807 Osaka Vacuum TH1502ISO-F250.0 1 Scotia, New York
43557 Osaka Vacuum TH542Oil BathWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
196836 Pfeiffer Vacuum ATH 2300 M2,150.0ISO-F250.0Magntc LevitatnWater Cooled 1 F* Scotia, New York
46021 Seiko-Seiki STP-XH3203P3,150.07.50E-9ISO-F320.0Magntc LevitatnWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
82024 Seiko-Seiki STPH-300C with controller320.01.00E-9Conflat160.0Magntc LevitatnFrcd Air Cooled 1 18,504.96 Scotia, New York
246373 Shimadzu TMP 203M G1190.0ISO-K100.0Air Cooled 3 Scotia, New York
205779 Varian TV 701 Navigator690.0ISO-K200.0Air OR Water 1 F* Scotia, New York
39908 Varian TV-1000HT950.07.50E-10ISO-K200.0CeramicFrcd Air Cooled 3 Scotia, New York
39909 Varian TV-1001 Navigator950.09.98E-11ISO-K200.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
2554 Varian TV-2000 ICE1,950.09.98E-11ISO-K250.0CeramicWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
147469 Varian TV-301250.03.75E-10Conflat152.4CeramicFrcd Air Cooled 1 F* Scotia, New York
86597 Varian TV-550 550.07.50E-10ISO-K160.0Air OR Water 2 Scotia, New York
86598 Varian TV-550 550.07.50E-10ISO-K160.0CeramicAir OR Water 2 Scotia, New York
50018 Varian TV-551550.09.98E-11ISO-F160.0GreaseAir OR Water 1 Scotia, New York
4530 Varian V-1800A1,600.09.98E-11ASA254.0GreaseWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
58239 Varian V-200A220.07.50E-10Conflat152.4GreaseWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
241 Varian V-200A220.07.50E-10ISO-K100.0GreaseWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
136942 Varian V-300300.09.75E-12Conflat203.2Oil BathWater Cooled 1 Scotia, New York
1804 Varian V-80A75.04.00E-9ISO-K63.0Frcd Air Cooled 1 2,450.66 Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Turbo Pumps:
Alcatel, Balzers, Balzers-Pfeiffer, Ebara, Edwards, Leybold, Osaka Vacuum Ltd., Pfeiffer Vacuum, Seiko-Seiki, Shimadzu, Varian