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The Window on Worldwide Exchange is a search engine covering the public listings of all users of Dynaprice data services. These include the investment recovery units of large firms and qualified stocking dealers in used equipment.

Buyers (and those looking for posted wanteds) pay no commission for using WWX. WWX facilitates the matching of buyers and sellers, but takes no part in the actual conclusion of deals between them. As a result, WWX does not warrantee or guarantee any representation by the sources of information displayed or any deal concluded using its facilities.

Qualified individuals may post their own listings at WWX, but are subject to disqualification and the removal of postings found improper or misleading by the management of WWX.

Large firms and stocking dealers can improve their sales of used and surplus equipment by having their entire inventories automatically displayed at WWX and the entire Dynaprice Marketing Network. They can also improve their asset management and raise their rates of internal asset redeployment using Dynaprice data services that integrate inventory management, internal redeployment and surplus sales. They should check out the information at or call Dynaprice directly at +1.713.972.2243 to learn whether a Dynaprice data service is right for them.