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Wafer Inspection Microscopes

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionMicroscp ConfigWafer SizeWafer Stg/Loadr#PriceNotes Location
»in  mm$
254249 AMAT UVision 6 1 N* Malta, New York
254250 AMAT UVision 6 1 N* Malta, New York
251067 HIMS HPI-1000 1 Singapore
251068 HIMS HPI-1000 1 Singapore
202816 HSEB Axiospect 301 1 Malta, New York
202817 HSEB Axiospect 301 1 Malta, New York
253752 HSEB MMT 300 1 Dresden, Saxony
253234 HSEB MMT300 V2 1 Dresden, Saxony
254255 KLA-Tencor 2835 1 N* Malta, New York
253039 KLA-Tencor AIT 1 Burlington, Vermont
253040 KLA-Tencor AIT II 1 Burlington, Vermont
253033 KLA-Tencor AIT II 1 Burlington, Vermont
253037 KLA-Tencor AIT II 1 Burlington, Vermont
253038 KLA-Tencor AIT II 1 Burlington, Vermont
237748 KLA-Tencor AMI2900 1 Malta, New York
254150 KLA-Tencor OP2600DUVI 1 N* Singapore
254149 KLA-Tencor OP3260I 1 N* Singapore
254148 KLA-Tencor OP5240I 1 N* Santa Clara, California
252339 KLA-Tencor SPECTRACD-XT 1 Singapore
252340 KLA-Tencor SPECTRACD-XT 1 Singapore
254147 KLA-Tencor UV1280SE 1 N* Singapore
186519 Leica INM20BF/DF/DIC200.00Leica 1 F* Scotia, New York
1641 Leica POLYLITE 88Bright & Dark200.00Microvision 1 F* Scotia, New York
186513 Leica POLYLITE 88BF/DF/DIC200.00Leica 1 Scotia, New York
186518 Leica POLYLITE 88Bright & Dark200.00Leica 1 F* Scotia, New York
61043 Nikon OptiphotBright & Dark150.00 1 F* Plano, Texas
1522 Nikon OPTIPHOT 200Bright & Dark 1 F* Scotia, New York
155646 Nikon Optiphot 200 1 Plano, Texas
120404 Nikon Optiphot 88Bright & Dark200.00 1 Plano, Texas
179537 Nikon Optiphot-150SBright & Dark150.00Nikon 1 Plano, Texas
212138 Nikon Optiphot-150SBrightfield150.00Nikon 1 Plano, Texas
160214 Olympus BH-BHMBrightfield 1 F* Plano, TX
248944 Olympus MX50Bright & Dark200.00 1 Austin, Texas
94266 Olympus MX50T-FBrightfield 1 Scotia, New York
252331 Olympus MX80AF-FBF/DF/DIC300.00LEP 1 Austin, Texas
253031 Rudolph Technologies S3000-S 1 Malta, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Wafer Inspection Microscopes:
AMAT, HIMS, HSEB, KLA-Tencor, Leica, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Rudolph Technologies, Inc.