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Mechanical Convection Ovens

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionMax TempCapacty/Vol BoxChamber CharacterPower Req#PriceNotes Location
MakeModelChamber CnstrcnViewing WindowVoltage
»ºF  »ºK  ºC»cu m  cu ft(V)$
241880 Across International FO-191402504.80Polished Stainless SteelYES220 1 2,200.59 F* Scotia, New York
207539 Baxter DK-632105.10YES115 2 Scotia, New York
74736 Blue M DC-1226C2045.80Stainless Steel208/240 1 F* Scotia, New York
76533 Blue M DC-1226C-X3602045.80Stainless Steel208/240 1 F* Scotia, New York
206257 Blue M DC-1463431.59Stainless Steel208 1 Scotia, New York
206258 Blue M DC-1463431.59Stainless Steel208 1 Scotia, New York
165024 Blue M DC-146B Systems 23431.58Stainless Steel208 1 F* Scotia, New York
206259 Blue M DC-206316Stainless Steel208 1 Scotia, New York
191698 Blue M DC-206-B-ST3503504.17Stainless Steel208 1 Scotia, New York
163695 Blue M DC-206C3164.10Stainless Steel208/240 1 F* Scotia, New York
224170 Blue M DC-326-G-ST35031632.00Stainless Steel480 1 Scotia, New York
206273 Blue M DCC-2563435.79Stainless Steel480 1 Scotia, New York
160771 Blue M DCW-256-B-MP5503505.78Stainless Steel208 1 F* Scotia, New York
208754 Blue M LO-90-P2603.20Stainless Steel 304115 1 Scotia, New York
165901 Blue M OV-490A-32603.00Stainless Steel120 1 Scotia, New York
189051 Blue M POM-206C 13434.10Stainless SteelYES240 1 F* Scotia, New York
195509 Cascade TEK TFO-12351.60Stainless Steel110/120 1 Scotia, New York
172213 Despatch LAC1-38A-22603.76Stainless steel120 1 Scotia, New York
179026 Despatch LAC1-38A-42603.76Stainless steel120 2 F* Scotia, New York
198801 Despatch LAC1-38B-22603.80Stainless steel240 1 Scotia, New York
200768 Despatch LAC1-67-42606.60Stainless Steel240 1 Scotia, New York
130784 Despatch PBC 1-80 2108.00Steel240 3 Scotia, New York
131380 Hotpack 2130233504.80Stainless Steel230 1 Scotia, New York
52757 Reddish SM500 CXE300 1 F* Plano, TX
206274 TestEquity FH53004.86Stainless Steel220 5 F* Scotia, New York
172224 VWR Scientific 1370F2404.90Stainless Steel120 1 F* Scotia, New York
240252 VWR Scientific 168026014.60Stainless Steel 1 F* Scotia, New York
207538 Yamato DKN-6002605.30Stainless SteelYES115 1 Scotia, New York
169512 Yamato DN-8320010.40Stainless Steel220 1 Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Mechanical Convection Ovens:
Across International, Baxter, Blue M, Cascade TEK, Despatch, Hotpack, Reddish, TestEquity, VWR Scientific Products, Yamato