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DC Magnetron Drives

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionPower OutputVolts MaxPwr Module Type#PriceNotes Location
135014 Advanced Energy 2011-000-D 1 Plano, TX
94157 Advanced Energy E'Wave 1 Scotia, New York
102201 Advanced Energy MDX 10K10.001,250.00 1 4,351.17 F* Scotia, New York
204718 Advanced Energy MDX 10K10.001,000.00 1 4,501.21 Scotia, New York
63872 Advanced Energy MDX 10K 10.001,000.00Slave 1 Scotia, New York
5370 Advanced Energy MDX 20KMaster 2 Scotia, New York
5374 Advanced Energy MDX 5K5.00Master 1 Scotia, New York
83842 Advanced Energy MDX 5K5.00 1 3,500.94 Scotia, New York
62001 Advanced Energy MDX-052 Remote Panel 1 975.26 Scotia, New York
27817 Advanced Energy MDX-L 13 500.13 Scotia, New York
63006 Advanced Energy PINNACLE 6.00 1 3,500.94 Scotia, New York
205913 Advanced Energy PINNACLE12.00500.00 1 4,501.21 Scotia, New York
200219 Advanced Energy PINNACLE10.00 1 Scotia, New York
121599 Advanced Energy PINNACLE12.00500.00 8 4,501.21 Scotia, New York
199026 Advanced Energy Starburst -- Arc Handling Accessory 3 Scotia, New York
84090 ENI DCG-100E10.00645.00Master 21 F* Scotia, New York
58787 ENI DCG-200Z10.00645.00Master 1 3,500.94 Scotia, New York
142855 Origin GEXUS-130113.501,000.00 1 F* Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under DC Magnetron Drives:
Advanced Energy, ENI Power Systems, Origin