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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionDescriptionPower RequirementsConditionYr Made#PriceNotes Location
255258 (Artwork) Black and White 1 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255259 (Artwork) Black and White 2 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255260 (Artwork) Black and White 3 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255261 (Artwork) Black and White 4 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255262 (Artwork) Black and White 5 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255263 (Artwork) Brown Duck 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255264 (Artwork) Checkers 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255266 (Artwork) Chess Board 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255265 (Artwork) Child 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255270 (Artwork) Circle of Birds 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255267 (Artwork) Circle of Birds 2 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255268 (Artwork) Circle of Birds 3 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255269 (Artwork) Circle of Birds 4 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255271 (Artwork) Cliffs 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255272 (Artwork) Colours in Motion 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255296 (Artwork) Construction 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255273 (Artwork) Couch 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255274 (Artwork) Desert 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255275 (Artwork) Dreams 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255278 (Artwork) Eagle 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255276 (Artwork) Eagle 2 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255277 (Artwork) Eagle 3 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255292 (Artwork) Factory 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255279 (Artwork) Fish 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255280 (Artwork) Flying Bird 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255281 (Artwork) Flying Geese 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255282 (Artwork) Forrest 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255283 (Artwork) Karoo 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255294 (Artwork) Layout 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255284 (Artwork) Lillies 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255297 (Artwork) Miners 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255295 (Artwork) Oil Rig 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255285 (Artwork) Path to Town 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255286 (Artwork) Patterns 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255293 (Artwork) Red Land 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255287 (Artwork) Red Rocks 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255288 (Artwork) Sheep 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255289 (Artwork) Teapot 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255290 (Artwork) Tree 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255291 (Artwork) Veld 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255299 (Carpet) Blue Carpet 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255300 (Carpet) Pink Carpet 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
255298 (Carpet) Red Carpet 1 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
250973 Akrion SA.2000Cleaning wafers1995 1 Singapore
254476 AMAT PRODUCER SE 3CH2023 1 Dresden, Saxony
248777 AMAT UVC2012 1 Dresden, Saxony
248778 AMAT UVC2012 1 Dresden, Saxony
248779 AMAT UVC2012 1 Dresden, Saxony
232897 Applied Materials In 0040-62020RETAINING RING, FLANGED PPS AEP, 300MM PROFILER 1 Malta, New York
221102 BESI X-Eye SF160 SL3803 PhaseFair2014 1 22,806.11 Batam, Riau Islands
221096 BESI Holland MK-13803 PhaseGood1995 1 54,014.47 Batam, Riau Islands
255257 Bibo machine + filter 4 N* Johannesburg, Gauteng
251129 Brooks PRI78XXPRI STOCKER1999 1 Singapore
241436 Cannon Image PROGRAF Scanner Printer Model iPF8100Good 1 Deer Park, Texas
241152 Cooper LMA-6 Reciprocating Gas Compressor Parts 1 lot Freeport, Texas
252448 Food Cooler 1 Midland, Michigan
252450 Food Warmer 1 Midland, Michigan
233426 Genmark Automation Porta300P2 loadports with parts2011 1 Malta, New York
180112 Hall Tank Co. AH-16New-Never Used1991 1 F* Houston, Texas
239777 Hiller GmbH DP484/11012/FD HILLER DECAPRESS DPFair2017 1 Regensburg, Bavaria
248938 Kardex Shuttle XPExcellent2014 1 Villach, Carinthia
253420 Knight Ceramic Saddle Tower Packing 1 lot Hahnville, Louisiana
248140 Misc. Item Sale 1 Hayward, California
255251 QUAT MRO Surplus 1 lot N* Freeport, Texas
251146 RICOR FOUP Purge Station MK-2FOUP Purge Station2015 1 Singapore
239810 Siebec GmbH P50-52527 New-Never Used2016 1 Regensburg, Bavaria
255383 Surplus Concrete Saw Plus Rebar Cutter 1 lot N* Freeport, Texas
254528 Surplus Solar Panels, Batteries and Equipment 1 lot Freeport, Texas
254455 Surplus Trucking Tie Downs 1 lot Freeport, Texas
204309 Tel Tactrus NCCPGate Etch2010 1 Malta, New York
244967 Teradyne Teradyne A5653803 PhaseGood1999 1 Batam, Riau Islands
244968 Teradyne Teradyne A5653803 PhaseGood2003 1 Batam, Riau Islands
244969 Teradyne Teradyne A5653803 PhaseGood2006 1 Batam, Riau Islands
244970 Teradyne Teradyne A5653803 PhaseGood2001 1 Batam, Riau Islands
244971 Teradyne Teradyne A5653803 PhaseGood2000 1 Batam, Riau Islands
254527 Used Genie Scissor Lift 1 lot Freeport, Texas
255152 York 40 Ton Pressurization Air Handling Unit 1 N* Orange, Texas

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Other Items and Mixed Lots:
Akrion, AMAT, Applied Materials Inc., BESI, BESI Holland, Brooks, Genmark Automation, Hall Tank Co. , Hiller GmbH, Kardex, RICOR, Siebec GmbH, Tel, Teradyne