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Recirculating Chillers

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionMin TempCooling SystemMax FlowHeat/Cool Cntrl#PriceNotes Location
MakeModelExternal CoolngPump type/ModelCoolng CapacityControl Type
»ºF  »ºK  ºC»BTU/hr  W»l/m  GPM$
123198 Affinity CAA003J-custom5Frcd Air CooledPD-21,0004Programmable 1 1,600.43 Scotia, New York
125068 Affinity FWA-060K-BE41CBD45Water CooledTurbine TU-120,0003Programmable 4 9,052.43 F* Scotia, New York
55398 Affinity FWA-060L-BE13BD45Water CooledTurbine 2-HP22,870Programmable 1 7,026.88 Scotia, New York
121062 Affinity PAA-003T CHILLER4Air CooledPositive Displacement / P21,0004Programmable 6 F* Scotia, New York
206690 Delta T Systems TCWC-N-H460S-7Water Cooled 1 F* Scotia, New York
87894 Haskris R050E5Water CooledPD-11,8471 1 2,100.56 Scotia, New York
139995 Lauda-Brinkmann WK5000Air Cooled1,2958Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
206256 Lytron Coolix-40005Air CooledPD 2 6,000Digital Setpnt 1 F* Scotia, New York
173535 Lytron RCO11J03DD3M1685Frcd Air CooledCentrifugal DD 1/2-HP1,7007Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
245062 Lytron RWA012T-BE07CBD45Water CooledTurbine5,0006Digital Setpnt 1 F* Scotia, New York
97168 M&W Systems RPCX-17A-VER5Frcd Air CooledPD-11,1142Analog Setpoint 1 2,300.62 F* Scotia, New York
189158 M.T.A. S.p.A. TAE EVO 121-5Air CooledCentrifugal, Stainless Steel (water side)41,86966Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
189181 M.T.A. S.p.A. TAE EVO 121-SS-5Air CooledCentrifugal, Stainless Steel (water side)41,86966Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
163878 Modutek RCe 025-2500-2Air CooledMagnetic621 2 Scotia, New York
130227 Neslab CFT-255Frcd Air CooledMD-305805Analog Setpoint 1 Scotia, New York
122679 Neslab CFT-33M5Frcd Air CooledPD-29504Analog Setpoint 1 1,400.38 Scotia, New York
229873 Neslab Cft-75 1 Plano, Texas
150610 Neslab HX-755Air CooledPD-12,0003Analog Setpoint 1 F* Plano, TX
111103 Neslab HX-755Water CooledPD-22,0003Digital Setpnt 1 Plano, TX
195789 Neslab HX-75 /115-volt5Frcd Air CooledPD-22,0004Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
40061 Neslab HX-75 High Temperature5Water CooledTU-12,0003Digital Setpnt 4 Scotia, New York
163633 Neslab HX-750Air Cooled 1 Plano, TX
90155 Neslab HX-900WC5Water CooledTU-938,00023Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
247612 Neslab M-755Frcd Air Cooled2,1504Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
179415 Neslab M255Frcd Air CooledMD-305805Programmable 1 Scotia, NY
103209 Neslab M255Frcd Air CooledPD-25804Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
76813 Neslab M335Frcd Air CooledMD-301,2505Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
82407 Neslab M33 5Frcd Air CooledPD-1-@ 1-gpm or PD-2 @4-gpm1,250Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York
179410 Neslab M335Frcd Air CooledPD-21,2504Programmable 1 Scotia, New York
176562 Opti Temp Inc. OTC-.5A8Air CooledPositive Displacement / P2 Stainless Steel1,3404Programmable 1 Scotia, New York
176931 Opti Temp Inc. OTC-.5A8Frcd Air CooledPositive Displacement / P2 Stainless Steel1,3404Programmable 1 Scotia, New York
133352 PolyScience 6305P-5Air Cooled PD-11,1002Digital Setpnt 1 Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Recirculating Chillers:
Affinity, Delta T Systems, Haskris, LAUDA-Brinkmann, Lytron, M&W Systems, M.T.A. S.p.A., Modutek, Neslab, Opti Temp Inc., PolyScience