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Other Laboratory Equipment

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionDescription#PriceNotes Location
206687 Ace Glass Inc. Unknown100 L Jacketed Kilo Scale Reactor System 1 18,504.96 Scotia, New York
253753 Asymtek X-1010 1 Dresden, Saxony
250659 AUDIO PRECISION AUD-APX 525 Bused 1 Regensburg, Bavaria
250660 AUDIO PRECISION AUD-APX 525 Bused 1 Villach, Carinthia
235312 Avestin EmulsiFlex-C3High Pressure Homogenizer - 3 L/H 1 F* Scotia, New York
220608 Berger PSS10 1 Wilmington, Delaware
252773 Bruker Dimension 5000 1 Malta, New York
218864 Brunswick Scientific Innova 4200Incubator Shaker 1 Scotia, New York
252774 Cameca FlexTAP 1 Malta, New York
252772 CAMECA LEAP 4000x Si, s/n: 5059 1 Santa Clara, California
137890 CEM Mars 5Microwave Accelerated Reaction System 1 Scotia, New York
131267 Clean Link NoneTwo Compartment Mobile Mini Environment 2 Scotia, New York
218762 DMS VSM 10Vibrating Sample Magnetometer 1 Scotia, New York
155721 Dwyer ISDP-006Differential Pressure Transmitter 1 Scotia, New York
250661 DYNAUDIO EMIT50used 1 Villach, Carinthia
254204 FEI ExSolve CLM next Gen 1 Malta, New York
254205 FEI ExSolve CLM next Gen 1 Malta, New York
254378 FEI Titan cubed G2 60-300 1 Malta, New York
194709 Fuji Paudal QJ-230TSpheronizer Marumerizer -- Lab Scale 1 Scotia, New York
220759 Haake RS-1 1 Wilmington, Delaware
246832 Hobart QS-1HOBART QS-1 Stainless Steel Refrigerator 1 Scotia, New York
235091 ISCO 3700Muestreador Aut.Model 923-High Capacity Power Pack 1 Tarragona, Catalonia
160435 Isles Airclean MVF-524Modular Vertical Flow Work Station 1 Scotia, New York
252775 Kobelco HRBS 1 Malta, New York
117861 LabGuard Corporation LFR-1000Laminar Flow Recirculator 1 2,700.72 Scotia, New York
28562 Laminaire DWS 630Laminar Flow Work Station 1 3,000.80 Scotia, New York
16977 Laminaire DWS 636Laminar Flow Work Station 1 3,000.80 Scotia, New York
52383 Lesco HOTSPOTHot Air Curing System 1 Scotia, New York
250990 MDC SIGNATION S480 1 Singapore
190333 Mettler DM40Density Meter -- New in the box 1 Scotia, New York
131289 MOBILE MINI ENVIRONMENT 5.1 CU. FT.Single Compartment Mobile Mini Environment 3 Scotia, New York
195884 NuAire Inc NU-425-600Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinet / Hood, 6' 2 Scotia, New York
225675 Other MAG 075.222.A.001 1 Warstein, North Rhine-Westphalia
253236 Phoenix Micromex SE160T 1 Dresden, Saxony
177104 Rame Hart 100-00-115Contact Angle Goniometer 1 Scotia, New York
206302 Rame Hart 190-F2Contact Angle Goniometer 1 Scotia, New York
249037 RCS 300PS-M100Semi Auto Pad Shave Tool RSV Automation PDS01 1 East Fishkill, New York
254200 RVSI ws3500/3800 upgrade 1 Burlington, Vermont
254201 RVSI ws3500/3800 upgrade 1 Burlington, Vermont
254079 Sartorius LA310S 1 Dresden, Saxony
220606 Semtek SCB-1603.5'x4.5' 1 Wilmington, Delaware
241153 TESCAN TS5136XMTESCAN TS5136XM Scanning Electron Microscope 1 Malacca, Malacca
195903 Yamato GAS410Solvent Recovery Unit, 1300 mL/h or more 1 Scotia, New York
254108 Zeiss NanoFab 1 Burlington, Vermont

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Other Laboratory Equipment:
Ace Glass Inc., Asymtek, AUDIO PRECISION, Avestin, Berger, Bruker, Brunswick Scientific, Cameca, CEM, Clean Link, DMS, Dwyer, DYNAUDIO, FEI, Fuji Paudal, Haake, Hobart, ISCO, Isles Airclean, Kobelco, LabGuard Corporation, Laminaire, Lesco, MDC, Mettler, NuAire Inc, Other, Phoenix, Rame Hart, RCS, RVSI, Sartorius, Semtek, TESCAN, Yamato, Zeiss