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Other Reliability Test Equipment

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionDescriptionYr Made#PriceNotes Location
238042 Advantest 93000Logic and Memory functional tester2008 1 East Fishkill, New York
238044 Advantest 93000LD05 Advantest 93K tester2010 1 East Fishkill, New York
238045 Advantest 93000LD05 Advantest 93K tester2010 1 East Fishkill, New York
238046 Advantest 93000LD05 Advantest 93K tester2011 1 East Fishkill, New York
244640 Advantest 93000Advantest 93K tester2010 1 East Fishkill, New York
236970 Advantest V93000Logic and Memory Functional Tester 1 East Fishkill, New York
249580 Advantest VerigyTST01 Advantest-Verigy 90000 Tester2010 1 East Fishkill, New York
131376 Crane Electronics Tool StarTool Star Torque Analyzer1992 1 F* Plano, TX
236359 Keithley S425Kerf Parametric Tester2001 1 Burlington, Vermont
236360 Keithley S4252001 1 Burlington, Vermont
238973 Keithley S4752001 1 Burlington, Vermont
238974 Keithley S4751x25 Kerf Tester2001 1 Burlington, Vermont
238975 Keithley S4751x25 Kerf Tester2001 1 Burlington, Vermont
238976 Keithley S4751x25 Kerf Tester2001 1 Burlington, Vermont
238977 Keithley S4751x25 Kerf Tester2001 1 Burlington, Vermont
238978 Keithley S60025 pin kerf tester2010 1 Burlington, Vermont
192418 Keithley Instruments S425Kerf Parametric Tester 1 Burlington, Vermont
192419 Keithley Instruments S425Keithley standard matrix kerf tester 1 Burlington, Vermont
250932 Rudolph Research ws-3000hsNon working/running rvsi inspection set up for ...2003 1 Burlington, Vermont
248242 Tokyo Electron Ltd P12XLTEL P12XL Prober2003 1 East Fishkill, New York

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Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Other Reliability Test Equipment:
Advantest, Crane Electronics, Keithley, Keithley Instruments, Rudolph Research, Tokyo Electronics Limited